Monday, January 31, 2011

VidChat Drawings for January 31st, 2011 (the greatest date)

Here are some more vidchats that I did.

I did these after I was fully warmed up after a day of arduous homework. Therefore, it was significantly easier to push them.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Winter Break Update pt.2

And here is the long-awaited sequel.

These are all the sketches that I've done from life. I've been focusing on improving my drawing during this break. I made progress.

The following were done at a variety of coffee shops, libraries, and furry conventions.

These were all done digitally, using a computer, a tablet, and a keyboard for when I wanted to check my e-mail for the hundredth time.

These were done mostly at FurCon, San Jose's biggest and greatest furry convention. The purpose of a furry convention is for humans to dress like animals, and also to remind real animals of the limitless superiority of humans.

This is a man sitting at the library, angry at his newspaper.

Also, here are some more chatroulette caricatures that I forgot to post yesterday.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Winter Break Update pt.1

Winter break is over! One of the ways I passed the time was by going on websites like Chat Roulette and drawing live caricatures of people. I used a webcam program which allowed me to share my screen so the only thing people saw was the canvas. It was a good exercise, because in order to keep people from nexting me, I had to very quickly draw the gesture of their face--enough that they could recognize themselves--within a few seconds. It really helped me to see their basic face shapes quickly.

And it was fun. Here are the results!